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Russian-Arabic Culture Center to Be Launched at NCFU

Russian-Arabic Culture Center to Be Launched at NCFU

The NCFU officials say, the Russian-Arabic Culture Center that is to be established at the University will function to contribute to stable and fruitful cooperation between the NCFU and partners from Arabic countries.

May 31, 2022

NCFU Researchers Launch Russian Language Week in Tajikistan

NCFU Researchers Launch Russian Language Week in Tajikistan

The NCFU has launched Russian language courses in Tajikistan, teaching children of refugees from Afghanistan, thus helping the kids adjust to the life and schooling in Central Asia.

May 18, 2022

NCFU Experts to Launch Russian Language Courses in Tajikistan

NCFU Experts to Launch Russian Language Courses in Tajikistan

As Dmitry Bespalov (Rector, NCFU) noted, the first students to attend the Russian as a Foreign Language courses will be children of refugees from Afghanistan.

May 12, 2022

NCFU to Train Teachers of Russian for Uzbekistan

NCFU to Train Teachers of Russian for Uzbekistan

As announced at a meeting held by Dmitry Bespalov (Rector, NCFU) and Oleg Malginov (Special and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Russia in Uzbekistan), the NCFU is to coach Uzbekistani experts who are going to teach students in the sphere of tourism.

April 30, 2022

Center for Russian Education Launched in Uzbekistan

Center for Russian Education Launched in Uzbekistan

Center for Russian Education has been opened at the Samarkand State University. The event is to mark 30 years of diplomatic cooperation shared by the two countries, while the NCFU has been invited as the coordinating university for the Center.

April 28, 2022

NCFU to Launch New Double Degree Programs with Universities of China

NCFU to Launch New Double Degree Programs with Universities of China

Besides, the NCFU is involved in academic cooperation with numerous countries, including Kazakhstan, Armenia, Uzbekistan, and Abkhazia, with joint degree programs with the Belarus State University and the National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia to be launched in 2022.

April 07, 2022

NCFU Promotes Russian Abroad

NCFU Promotes Russian Abroad

The NCFU has launched The Russian on Wednesdays – a large-scale project aimed at promoting the Russian language and Russian literature classics abroad and among foreigners residing in Russia writers.

March 21, 2022

NCFU Experts Hold Maths Winter School in Kyrgyzstan

NCFU Experts Hold Maths Winter School in Kyrgyzstan

Maths experts of the NCFU arranged seminars for schoolers, university students and teachers, the main purpose of the event being offering consultation on how to solve various mathematical problems and save data in virtual media.

March 15, 2022