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North-Caucasus Federal University (NCFU) is one of Russia’s ten federal universities, each of them standing out as a unique academic institution established subject to the special national EDUCATION project. The purpose of this was to create advanced innovation-driven comprehensive centers for training, research, and business shaping qualified staff meeting the world’s top standards.

The aim for NCFU is to arrange training for those who are going to be further employed by the leading regional enterprises, thus contributing to the well-balanced performance within the major socio-economic programs.

North-Caucasus Federal University was established in 2012 as a merger of three largest universities – North-Caucasus State Technical University, Stavropol State University, and Pyatigorsk University for Humanities and Technology. And each of the institutions had gone a long way to build an outstanding history behind. Each of these was established at a certain point through the history of our country in order to meet the demand experienced in various sectors of the economy – in the Stavropol Region, in the North Caucasus, as well as all over the country. This means that the traditions and history that have been passed to NCFU are priceless as they come from basically every single area of human activity. However, it is not the research and academic achievement that we value best.

All that has been done so far, starting from the very principles this institution was based on – and yet more to be achieved – has been done by people. Our PEOPLE. We are perfectly aware that no matter what technology you hold or how much you invest in any state-of-the-art equipment, this is no match to what people are. We employ the best people who have applied every single drop of energy to whatever they do – academic life and numerous research projects funded by more than a few transcontinental companies and public authorities, teaching students and running successful partnership with the world’s leading centers, hosting various events and even enjoying extracurricular activities – this is the heritage to be proud of!

It took you no more than 5 minutes to read all of the above, right? And we do expect you’ve taken it only as a tiny glimpse inside something that no book could ever comprise. Now the last yet not least thing to leave here for you – our history has never stopped, nor shall we. It’s not about the past, it’s about success. And given the way we have covered so far we enjoy every right to say it:

