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Faculty of Physics and Technology


Contact us

Address: office 139a, 1, Pushkina Str. (Building 2), Stavropol, Russia

Our departments


  • 03.03.02 Physics (Physics of the Earth and Planets, Condensed Matter Physics)
  • 11.03.04 Electronics and Nanoelectronics (Microelectronics and Solid State Electronics, Industrial Electronics)
  • 22.03.01 Materials Science and Technology of Materials (Materials Science and Technology of Electronic Equipment Materials)
  • 28.03.02 Nanoengineering (Diagnostics of Materials and Nanosystems in Industry) (jointly with the Department of Mathematical Analysis of Algebra and Geometry)

  • 03.04.02 Physics (Physics of Atmosphere and Near-Earth Space, Condensed Matter Physics)
  • 11.04.04 Electronics and Nanoelectronics (Physical Electronics)
  • 22.04.01 Materials Science and Technology of Materials (Materials Science and Technologies of Nanomaterials and Nanosystems)
  • 44.04.01 Pedagogical Education (Physical Education)

  • 03.06.01 Physics and Astronomy (Condensed Matter Physics, Electro-Physics, Electro-Physical Units, Thermophysics and Theoretical Heat Engineering)
  • 05.06.01 Earth Science (Physics of Atmosphere and Hydrosphere)
  • 11.06.01 Electronics, Radio Engineering and Communication Systems (Technology and Equipment for Production of Semiconductors, Materials and Electronic Devices)
  • 44.06.01 Education and Pedagogic Sciences (Theory and Methodology of Professional Education)

Besides, we are proud of the following research facilities
  • Research and Laboratory Complex of Clean Zones
  • Research and Training Center of Photovoltaics and Nanotechnology
  • Research Laboratory of Magnetic Nanomaterials
  • Research and Training Center for Geophysics and Astrophysics

Valentina Volkova

Valentina Volkova

Dean, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor

Olga Skvortsova

Olga Skvortsova

Deputy Dean for Academic and Educational Activities

Stanislav Kunikin

Stanislav Kunikin

Deputy Dean for Scientific Activities