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Vocal ensembles and music and poetic project teams


"Constellation" ensemble

The studio plays performances in various types of vocals: pop, jazz vocals. The ensemble's repertoire is diverse and always in demand. In the mastery of singing, the ensemble uses polyphony. The “Constellation” carries on a large concert activity, being a permanent participant of all major events in the city and region.

The “Constellation” vocal ensemble is a multiple award winner of vocal arts competitions in Europe and Russia.

Team leader:  Goncharova Esmira Novruz Kyzy (+79097513996)


"NotaBene" ensemble

Folklore is the priority direction of the ensemble, which allows to deeply study and promote folk art, as well as show the audience samples of real traditional folk culture.

The ensemble's repertoire is quite diverse: lyric, dance, action, war and patriotic, folk historical, Cossack, Russian national and pop songs.

Team leader: Zakharova Svetlana Aleksandrovna (+79614416084)


"Inspiration" music and poetry club

The "Inspiration" music and poetry club organizes and prepares instrumental and literary kinds of students’ art through music and theatrical classes, dramatic reading evenings, workshops on acting and rhetoric skills, and organization of creativity competitions. Readers, poets, authors, bards, instrumentalists and vocal-instrumental groups – all of them are concentrated in this club.

Club leader: Shamsutdinova Elena Valerevna (+79624423520)