Размер шрифта Цветовая схема Изображения


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Institute of Economics and Management


Contact us

Svetlana Zenchenko
Acting Deputy Director for International Activities, Doctor of Economics, Professor
Contact details
Tel: +7(8652) 33-03-37
E-mail: szenchenko@ncfu.ru

Address: Offices 307, 311, 313, 314, 318 (Building 21) 1, Pushkina Str., Stavropol, Russia 355017
Tel: +7 (8652) 33-06-58,
E-mail: inst.em@ncfu.ru

Academic department: Offices 307, 314
Tel: +7 (8652) 33-06-46, 33-06-59, 33-06-93


  • 38.03.01 Economics
  • 38.03.02 Management
  • 38.03.04 State and Municipal Administration
  • 38.03.05 Business-Informatics
  • 39.03.01 Sociology
  • 39.03.02 Social Work
  • 39.03.03 Organisation of Work with Youth
  • 43.03.01 Service
  • 43.03.02 Tourism

Bachelor’s in English

  • 38.03.02 Management

  • 38.05.01 Economic Security
  • 38.05.02 Customs

  • 38.04.01 Economics
  • 38.04.02 Management
  • 38.04.03 HR Management
  • 38.04.04 State and Municipal Administration
  • 38.04.05 Business-Informatics
  • 38.04.08 Finance and Credit
  • 39.04.01 Sociology
  • 39.04.02 Social Work
  • 39.04.03 Organisation of Work with Youth
  • 43.04.02 Tourism

  • 38.06.01 Economics;
  • 39.06.01 Sociology

Our Departments

  • Department of Economics and Foreign Economic Activity
  • Department of Finance and Credit
  • Department of Tax Policy and Customs
  • Department of Digital Business Technologies and Accounting Systems
  • Department of Economic Security and Audit
  • Department of Management
  • Department of Sociology
  • Department of Social Technologies
  • Department of State, Municipal Administration and Labour Economics

Our Specialized Training Laboratories

  • Incubator for Social Entrepreneurship
  • Mini-Bank
  • Mini-Exchange
  • Electronic Shooting Range
  • Service Technologies
  • Technical Tools for Customs Control

Research & Training Centers

  • Innovation Technologies in Management
  • Advanced technologies for Regional Management and Local Self-Government
  • Innovation-based Development for Credit and Finance Sector
  • Customs & Logistics Service
  • Economic Security Risks and Threats Control Technologies

Potential Employment

38.03.01 Economics – private and public companies; credit and insurance companies; finance and tax bodies; auditing and consulting firms; federal and municipal institutions; non-profit and non0governmental organizations.

38.03.02 Management – commercial or non-profit companies; federal or municipal bodies; finance, insurance or investment agencies.

38.03.03 Staff Management – public bodies (government or self-government branches); federal or municipal agencies; credit and insurance companies.

38.03.04 State and Municipal Management – public bodies (government or self-government branches); federal or municipal agencies; non-profit organizations (associations, unions, resources centers, trade chambers, etc.).

38.03.05 Business Computer Science – government bodies of various levels; software developing companies; marketing, production or economic units in various companies, both public and private.

43.03.01 Service – consumer service companies; entertainment and PR agencies; informational & analytical centers; community facility service companies.

38.05.01 Economic Security – agencies and units ensuring economic security in governing and self-governing bodies, public and private companies as well as in various insurance, finance, logistics & analytical agencies, and academic institutions.

38.05.02 Customs Business – customs bodies and various units; commercial and non-profit agencies, as well as various companies involved in foreign economic activity.

Our International Partners

  • University of Rome La Sapienza (Rome, Italy)
  • University of Trento (Trento, Italy)
  • University of Lisbon (Lisbon, Portugal)
  • Ruhr-University Bochum (Bochum, Germany)
  • Technical University of Dresden (Dresden, Germany)
  • International Academy of Management and Technologies (Dusseldorf, Germany)
  • VU University of Holland (Amsterdam, the Netherlands)
  • University of Piraeus (Piraeus, Greece)
  • Belarus National Technical University (Minsk, Belarus)
  • L. N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University (Astana, Kazakhstan).

Given the number of our foreign partners abroad, our students enjoy more than a few options when choosing a university abroad to polish their skills within an academic exchange program or carry out a joint research project.

Lev Ushvistky

Lev Ushvistky

Acting Director, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Honorary Worker of Science of Russia, Laureate of the Russian Government Award in Education

Tel: +7(8652) 33-06-57


Anna Savtsova

Anna Savtsova

Acting Deputy Director for Scientific Activities, Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor

Tel: +7(8652) 33-06-85

E-mail: asavtcova@ncfu.ru

Ekaterina Puchkova

Ekaterina Puchkova

Acting Deputy Director for Academic Activities, Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor

Tel: +7(8652) 94-59-10

E-mail: eepuchkova@ncfu.ru

Svetlana Zenchenko

Svetlana Zenchenko

Acting Deputy Director for International Activities, Doctor of Economics, Professor

Tel: +7(8652) 33-03-37

E-mail: szenchenko@ncfu.ru

Krasnikov Alexander Vyacheslavovich

Krasnikov Alexander Vyacheslavovich

Acting Deputy Director for Educational Activities, Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor

Tel: +7(8652) 33-06-47

E-mail: akrasnikov@ncfu.ru