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Voskanyan Mariam Ambartsumovna

Voskanyan Mariam Ambartsumovna

Voskanyan Mariam Ambartsumovna – Dr. Sci. Economics, assistant professor.

Head of the Department of Economics and Finance, Institute of Economics and Business, Russian-Armenian University (Republic of Armenia, Yerevan).

Graduated from Russian-Armenian (Slavonic) State University, Yerevan, major: “Management” (2004).

In 2017 completed master’s degree studies at the Moscow School of Social and Economic Sciences, and received the Master’s degree of the Russian Federation in “Management in education”, and  the University of Manchester, where she received the degree of  Master of Education.

In 2008 received the degree of Cand. Sci. Economics in “Finance, money circulation and credit”. Topic: “Inflation targeting problems in monetary policy (at the example of the Republic of Armenia)”.

In 2017 received the degree of Dr. Sci. Economics in “Finance and accounting” on the topic “Problems of modernizing the system of currency regulation in the Republic of Armenia”.

Mariam Ambartsumovna is the author of more than 110 published research works, study guides and monographs, part of them being published in scientific journals of the Republic of Armenia, the Russian Federation and Europe in the field of macroeconomics, finance, monetary and currency regulation, financial intermediation, as well as problems of higher education and the formation of human capital. An active participant in domestic and international scientific and practical conferences, scientific seminars, training sessions and other types of scientific activities.

Laureate of the Youth Grant of the Astana Club of Nobel Laureates in the category "Best Research Work".

Sphere of research interests: