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Tursinhanov Nurlan Mustafayevich

Tursinhanov Nurlan Mustafayevich

Tursinhanov Nurlan Mustafayevich – PhD of engineering, assistant professor of the Samarkand State University (Samarkand, the Republic of Uzbekistan)

Graduate of Samarkand State University 1999, major “Applied Mathematics”. In 2006 he was awarded the academic degree of PhD of engineering by the decision of the Supreme Qualifying Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan, on the nomination of the Council of the Uzbekistan Scientific Technical Centre “Modern Information Technologies” of the Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences.

Research interests:
1. Ensuring authenticity of information
2. Information security
3. Databases

Visiting assistant professor of the Department of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics of the Institute of Mathematics and Information Technologies (named after Prof. Nikolay Chervyakov).