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László Csicsmann

László Csicsmann

László Csicsmann – professor, PhD, Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences and International Relations of the Corvinus University of Budapest (Hungary).

In 2001-2012 was an assistant (later associate) professor (part time) of the Department of International Relations, Budapest College of Management. In the period of 2002 по 2006 - assistant lecturer of the Department of International Relations, Budapest University of Economic Sciences and Public Administration. In 2006-2012 – assistant professor of the Department of International Relations, Corvinus University of Budapest. InВ 2009-2012 – Vice-dean for International Affairs of the Faculty of Social Sciences, Corvinus University of Budapest. Since 2013 he has been the Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences and International Relations, Corvinus University of Budapest.

Research interests: islamic world and democracy; political engagement of moderate Islamist organizations in the Middle East; Politics, Society and Economics of the Middle East and North Africa; Muslim minorities in Europe; the  Indian  subcontinent  (Pakistan,  Kashmir  question,  nuclearization  of  South  Asia, Afghanistan);  Middle  East  and  North  Africa  from  a  security  perspective  (Darfur  question,  Iranian nuclear program etc.).

At NCFU, the professor implements research projects as part of activities of joint international research laboratory studying the countries of Middle East, conducts lectures for students of specialty “International Relations” of the Institute of Humanities, implements continuing education programmes for students and employees of the university.