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Kozubal Janusz Witalis

Kozubal Janusz Witalis

Kozubal Janusz Witalis – Dr. Sci. Tech., professor, professor of Wroclaw polytechnic university (Republic of Poland)

Graduate of Wroclaw polytechnic university, faculty of construction, water and land resources (1996), major “Construction”. In 2001 by the decision of the Council of Wroclaw polytechnic university he was awarded the academic degree of PhD in technical sciences. Was awarded the academic degree of Dr. Sci. Tech. in 2020.

Research interests:

- analysis of the surface roughness of concrete and soil and their correlations;

- automatic clarification of roughness parameters;

- random surface models;

- roughness modeling and visualization;

- load-bearing capacity of unsaturated soil;

- unstable and collapsed soils;

- relationship between material properties and load-bearing capacity;

- reliability problems;

- risk assessment in geotechnics.

Visiting professor of the Department of Construction, the Institute of Engineering.