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Fabrizio D’Ascenzo

Fabrizio D’Ascenzo

Fabrizio D’Ascenzo – Professor of the Sapienza University of Rome, Director of Management Department. Head of master’s degree programme of the Faculty of Political and Social Sciences and Communication and Faculty of Economics of the Sapienza University of Rome, President of Programme Board on Technology and Innovative Management at the Faculty of Economics. He is responsible for the agreement between the Sapienza University of Rome and the School of Information of the University of California (Berkeley).

The professor’s research interests include problems of using technological innovations, implementation of informational and communication technologies in business environment, implementation of informational and communication technologies in state governance, technical evaluation.

Currently provides organizational, methodological and pedagogical support for implementation of double diploma master’s degree programme "International Management" of specialty 38.0.02 "Management" in the Institute of Economics and Management of NCFU.