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Atanesyan Artur Vladimirovich

Atanesyan Artur Vladimirovich

Atanesyan Artur Vladimirovich – Professor, Dr. Sci. Politics, Head of the Department of Applied Sociology of the Faculty of Sociology, Yerevan State University.

Graduated from Yerevan State University in 1998, faculty of Philosophy, Sociology and Psychology. Major - Philosophy.

Studied in 1998-2001 at the postgraduate programme of National Academy of Sciences of Armenia, Institute of Philosophy and Law.

Was awarded academic degree of Cand. Sci. Politics in 2001.

Was awarded academic degree of Dr. Sci. Politics in 2010.

Visiting professor of the Karaganda State Technical University (2012), Ural Federal University (2013), Sapienza University of Rome (Rome, Italy, 2016), Tampere University  (Finland, 2018), University of Maryland (USA, 2020).

Research interests: political processes and technologies, theories of mass communication, political and military sociology.

Visiting professor of the Department of General and Applied Psychology, Institute of Education and Social Sciences.