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Samarkand State University Data Analysis and Artificial Intelligence

Partner universitySamarkand-State-University

Samarkand State University

Training area

02.03.01 Mathematics and Computer Science

Program profile

Data Analysis and Artificial Intelligence

Awarded qualification


Duration of study:

4 years

Required period of study at the partner university (specify semester(s):

3-rd ‒ 8-th semesters

Amount of credits:


Language of teaching:


Required level of proficiency in English


Study mode (intramural/ extramural):


Program goal:

Integration of Russian-Asian educational standards for the training of highly qualified personnel in the field of data analysis and artificial intelligence.

Program coordinator(s) from NCFU (indicate contact details):

Babenko Mikhail Grigorevich –

Head of Department of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics

Email: mgbabenko@ncfu.ru

Program coordinator(s) from partner university (indicate contact details):
Entry requirements:

Applicant is obliged to:

  1. Have a government-issued document on secondary (complete) general education or secondary professional education.
  2. Pass the entrance tests successfully. Enrollment is carried out on the basis of a competitive selection in accordance with the Rules for admission to NCFU.
Entrance tests (specify subjects and minimal grades):

Mathematics - 60

Physics / Informatics - 60

Russian language - 50

Curriculum highlights:

Mathematics in Python;

Computational workshop;

Computer technologies for solving optimization problems;

Neural network technologies for information processing;

Decision support information systems;

R programming;

Introduction: artificial neural networks;

Fuzzy logic and its applications;

Data recovery and error correction codes;

Computer algebra in Python;

Artificial neural networks in Python;

Parallel programming technologies;

Program highlights:

The educational program is focused on training of students in the field of data analysis, as well as software and hardware required for such analysis.

Academic facilities (labs, educational centers etc.) (indicate links to the site of NCFU)

Students are trained using the material and technical base of the Educational and Scientific Center for Computational Mathematics and Parallel Programming on a Super Computer and the Laboratory of Mathematical Modeling


Career opportunities:

Graduates have career development opportunities in data analysis and software development enterprises. Possible positions: Data Analyst, Algorithm Designer.