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La Sapienza University of Rome Information Systems and Technologies

Partner universitySapienza

La Sapienza University of Rome

Training area

09.04.02 Information Systems and Technologies

Program profile

Data Management

Awarded qualification


Duration of study:

2 years

Required period of study at the partner university (specify semester(s):

2-nd or 3-rd semesters

Amount of credits:


Language of teaching:


Required level of proficiency in English


Study mode (intramural/ extramural):


Program goal:

Application of European educational standards for training of highly qualified personnel in the field of data management.

Program coordinator(s) from NCFU (indicate contact details):

Drozdova Victoriia Igorevna – professor,

Head of the Department of Information Systems and Technologies

Email: vdrozdova@ncfu.ru

Program coordinator(s) from partner university (indicate contact details):

Massimo Mecella – professor,

Email: mecella@diag.uniroma1.it

Entry requirements:

The applicant is obliged to:

  1. Have a state-recognized document of higher education;
  2. Pass the entrance tests successfully.

Enrollment is carried out on the basis of a competitive selection in accordance with the Rules for Admission to NCFU.

Entrance tests (specify subjects and minimal grades):

The entrance examination includes content of the following disciplines:

1.Information technologies

2.Theory of information processes and systems

  1. Data management
  2. Programming technologies

30 points

Curriculum highlights:

- Application of mathematical logic in control systems;

- Parallel computing;

- Modern trends of the information systems development;

- Artificial intelligence systems;

- Data bases in high performance information systems;

- Research work;

Program highlights:

The educational program is focused on formation of professional competencies of students necessary for work in the field of information systems and technologies, taking into account modern requirements and trends. Special attention is paid to the study of technologies of processing, storing, transmitting and protecting information, organizing and processing big data; software development technologies, information systems; web technologies; technologies based on forecasting methods and use of intelligent systems, methods of data mining.

Academic facilities (labs, educational centers etc.) (indicate links to the site of NCFU)

Training of students is carried out using material and technical base of the specialized educational laboratory "Data Management" (9-425)

Career opportunities:

Graduates will be able to work in enterprises of various profiles and all types of activities in which data presented in digital form is a key factor of production.