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La Sapienza University of Rome Finance and credit

Partner universityphoto-it-1.jpg

La Sapienza University of Rome

Training area

38.04.08 Finance and credit

Program profile

Corporate Finance

Awarded qualification


Duration of study:

2 years

Required period of study at the partner university (specify semester(s):

3-rd,4-th semesters

Amount of credits:


Language of teaching:

Russian, English

Required level of proficiency in English


Study mode (intramural/ extramural):


Program goal:

Training of professionals in the field of finance and credit, formation of an economically competent, socially responsible person with universal and subject-specific competencies that contribute to his/her social mobility and competitiveness in the labor market.

Program coordinator(s) from NCFU (indicate contact details):

Zenchenko Svetlana Viacheslavovna – Professor of Department of Finance and Credit

Institute of Economics and Management

Email: szenchenko@ncfu.ru

Program coordinator(s) from partner university (indicate contact details):

Ida Panetta

9, Via del Castro Laurenziano,

00161 Rome (Italy)

Email: ida.panetta@uniroma1.it

Entry requirements:

Applicant is obliged to:

  1. Have a state-recognized document of higher education.
  2. Pass the entrance tests successfully. Enrollment is carried out on the basis of a competitive selection in accordance with the Rules for admission to NCFU.
Entrance tests (specify subjects and minimal grades):

The entrance exam includes the content of the disciplines:

Curriculum highlights:

Program highlights:

The program is aimed at training financial managers and analysts who are able to critically analyze organization's financial strategy, develop and implement advanced financial technologies.

Academic facilities (labs, educational centers etc.) (indicate links to the site of NCFU)

In the educational process the laboratories "Mini-Bank" and "Mini-Exchange" with the necessary software are used.


Our pages in social networks:



Career opportunities:

Graduates have broad employment prospects in companies of various organizational and legal forms, financial and credit organizations, consulting companies, investment funds, research and production associations, research and development and design organizations.

Possible positions: managers, their deputies, financial managers, analysts, specialists of the management staff of various levels of enterprises of all organizational and legal forms.