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Corvinus University of Budapest East-Central Europe

Partner universityVostochno-Central_naya-Evropa-i-Kavkaz

Corvinus University of Budapest

Training area

41.04.05 International Relations

Program profile

East-Central Europe

Awarded qualification


Duration of study:

2 years

Required period of study at the partner university (specify semester(s):

3rd, 4th semesters

Amount of credits:


Language of teaching:

Russian, English

Required level of proficiency in English


Study mode (intramural/ extramural):


Program goal:

Training of international specialists that have general professional and personal competencies and are ready to work in various fields of international political, economic, scientific and technical, informational, legal and cultural institutions, as well as in the field of diplomacy and foreign policy of the Russian Federation and international relations of Russian regions, non-profit organizations and businesses.

Program coordinator(s) from NCFU (indicate contact details):

Professor, Head of the Department for Foreign History, Political Science and International Relations

Kriuchkov Igor Vladimirovich


Program coordinator(s) from partner university (indicate contact details):

Professor, Vice-Rector for Faculty

  1. Csicsmann László


Entry requirements:

The applicant shall:

  1. Have a state-issued document on higher education.
  2. Successfully pass the entrance tests. Enrollment is based on competitive selection in accordance with the NCFU admission Rules.
Entrance tests (specify subjects and minimal grades):

International Relations

30 points (in total)

Curriculum highlights:

Comparative Foreign Policy

History of European Political Thought

International Law in Practice I

Public Diplomacy

Project Management in the Professional Sphere

Professional and Academic Communication

Political Systems of the Middle East

China's Foreign Policy

European Union Studies

History and Methodology of International Relations Research

Non-State Actors of World Politics

Caucasus in the System of International Relations

Ethnical and Political Development of the Caucasus in the XIX-XXI Centuries

Regional Cooperation of the States of the South Caucasus

Features of the Economy of the Caucasus Region

Contemporary Foreign Policy of Russia

Program highlights:

The master's program is aimed at formation of the following basic general professional competencies:

expert and analytical activities: development of corporate and group strategies in the areas of professional competence with the use of skills of international political analysis; conducting individual or group analytical work on the basis of original foreign data;

organizational and managerial activities:

conducting organizational and administrative work in state institutions, federal and regional state authorities using foreign languages; collecting and analyzing information on international issues, preparing expert assessments and proposals for making foreign policy decisions; organizing international negotiations, meetings, conferences, seminars;

research activities: conducting fundamental theoretical research in the field of international relations; planning, organizing and conducting scientific work in educational institutions of higher education.

Academic facilities (labs, educational centers etc.) (indicate links to the site of NCFU)

Partner organizations that serve as training and field practice bases:

Ministry of Economic Development of the Stavropol Territory;

Duma of the Stavropol Territory;

Administration of the city of Stavropol;

Representative Office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation in Mineralnye Vody;

Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Stavropol Territory;

Diplomatic Academy of the Russian Foreign Ministry;

Institute of Europe of the Russian Academy of Sciences;

Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences;

International Research Laboratory "Center for Transcaucasian Studies", NCFU;

International Research Laboratory "Middle East Studies"

Career opportunities:

– as a responsible executive and junior manager in the field of creating a network of professional international contacts in the interests of state authorities, municipalities, corporations, social and political, non-governmental, and educational institutions;

– performing the duties of the head of the referent group and a translator of materials from a foreign language into Russian and from Russian into a foreign language.