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Abkhaz State University History

Partner universityabhazskij-gosudarstvennyj-universitet

Abkhaz State University

FSAEI of HE “Siberian Federal University”

Training area

46.04.01 History

Program profile


Awarded qualification


Duration of study:

2 years

Required period of study at the partner university (specify semester(s):

1-st, 4-th semesters

Amount of credits:


Language of teaching:


Required level of proficiency in English


Study mode (intramural/ extramural):


Program goal:

Formation of necessary competencies and skills, allowing students to apply the system of scientific knowledge in the field of Russian and general history to solve professional problems in the area of education and science; acquire new knowledge through development of fundamental and applied scientific research; provide the innovative nature of educational, scientific and socio-cultural activities.

Program coordinator(s) from NCFU (indicate contact details):

Kolesnikova Marina Evgenevna - Head of the Department of Russian History, Professor

Email: mkolesnikova@ncfu.ru

Program coordinator(s) from partner university (indicate contact details):

Gabeliia Alik Nikolaevich -

Dean of the Faculty of History, Abkhaz State University

Avidzba Viktor Vladimirovich -

Deputy Dean of the Faculty of History, Abkhaz State University

Email: istoricheskiy.fakultet@mail.ru

Pakhomova Natalia Veniaminovna -

Associate Professor of the Department of Russian History, FSAEI of HE "Siberian Federal University"

Email: pahomise@mail.ru

Entry requirements:

Applicant is obliged to:

  1. Have a state-recognized document of higher education.
  2. Pass the entrance tests successfully. Enrollment is carried out on the basis of a competitive selection in accordance with the Rules for admission to NCFU.
Entrance tests (specify subjects and minimal grades):

Russian history

General history

30 points

Curriculum highlights:

Source study and methods of historical research;

Theory and methodology of historical research;

Modern information and communication technologies in professional activities;

Management of scientific, cultural and educational projects in professional activities;

Actual issues of Russian history;

Comparative history of world civilizations;

The North Caucasus in the intellectual space;

Russia in the 19th and early 20th centuries;

Program highlights:

Integration of Russian and Abkhaz scientific space within the framework of organization of networking cooperation provides an opportunity to master a part of the educational program at the partner university in a multi-confessional and multi-ethnic region that increases demand for graduates in the labor market.

Academic facilities (labs, educational centers etc.) (indicate links to the site of NCFU)

The scientific and educational centers "New Local History", "Cultural and Natural Heritage of the North Caucasus", problem research laboratories "Intellectual History", "Laboratory of Biographical Research", Student Scientific and Innovative Society "KLIO"

Career opportunities:

Graduates have career development opportunities in educational institutions of basic general, secondary general, secondary and higher education, specialized academic institutes and other research institutes; in archives, museums and other organizations and cultural institutions.