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NCFU Installs Drill-Simulator

24.01.23 9:47

Category: Main

NCFU’s Institute of Life Science has launched labs with state-of-the-art simulators to help students master their major competencies.

As the RAEX rating agency reports, Oil & Gas Engineering School of NCFU is rated 15th out of 20 respective academic fields in Russia, offering high-quality training to students.


Now, thanks to the effort from Dmitry Bespalov (Rector, NCFU), the Institute of Life Science has got a Center for Practical Skills Training, which has a lab designed to teach students how to maintain oil/gas-well drilling equipment.

Besides, there is respective software in place, which contains various tasks to help trainees see what features real oil-wells have so they can apply all these newly mastered skills in real life.

Now, there is training carried out not for students alone, yet also for the teaching staff, who are to deliver the knowledge down the line.