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NCFU to Open First School of World Languages in South Russia

22.12.21 12:03

Category: Main News Education

The North-Caucasus Federal University is to open a new academic center, which is to become a guide for the advanced trends in studying languages.


The School of World Languages will focus on shaping a pool of the best foreign language teachers and native speakers who have a command of innovative teaching technologies, the final purpose of that being enhanced overall level of linguistic training. The school has plans to host meetings with actors, writers and researchers from other countries.

– Over 70% of students pointed at the need to expand the geographic coverage of the language training we offer. Students attending this school will study not only English, German and French, yet also Spanish, Arabic, Turkish, etc. The important part is that the school will offer a chance to improve language skills not to students majoring in respective areas but to anyone else, – Dmitry Bespalov (Rector, NCFU) was quoted as saying.